Tap to stop and determine your destiny #voteIRL selfie.
YouTube #voteIRL Campaign 
Design and illustration for social content shared on the @YouTube twitter handle. Design was intended to be political, yet fun an nonpartisan. Content intended to instruct Twitter users how to share a #voteIRL selfie and encourage their American followers to vote ..."in real life."
ROLE   Design, Illustration, Animation
AGENCY   Big Spaceship
It’s as easy as one, two, cheese! Here’s your #voteIRL selfie guide
YouTube Music 
Illustration and animation for fun post content meant to highlight the experience of sharing music and the iconic YouTube videos behind the music we know and love that is available on the YT Music platform.
If you’re training for gold, progress needs a soundtrack. Can you name these pump-up songs?
Share the music. An #InternationalDayOfFriendship playlist made by friends. #YouTubeMusic
YouTube Original Series 
In 2016, YouTube Red launched as a paid tier of the YouTube platform with exclusive original content featuring already popular YouTube creators with dedicated fanbases. On social, we promote these new shows by tapping into the existing behaviors and trends popular within the fanbases.
Some of the series for the YouTube Original show "Escape the Night" 
Posts teased who would be "killed off" in that week's episode with an eerie Victorian aesthetic consistent with the tone of the show.
Some of the series for the YouTube Original show "MatPat's game Lab." 
Posts teased the modern popular video game featured in that week's episode with a classic 8-bit aesthetic.
Google Play Music 
Design and Art Direction for content shared to Twitter with the launch of the new Google Play Music platform. Designs were geared towards sharing the fun, bright vibe of the music they described.
We're celebrating Back To The Future's 30th with Hit Songs from '80s Movies Radio
Dale! Celebrate @Pitbull's new album with The World of Pitbull Radio
Google Local Guides 
The Local Guides content was intended to highlight the functionality of Local Guides within Google Maps –with an eye to promoting better review practices and better posts to the network. Colorful illustrated posts tie back to the fun, clean Google aesthetic.
The early bird gets the worm, but Level 2+ #LocalGuides get early access to new Google products and features.
Answer short questions about the best NY pizza on @googlemaps to earn points as a Local Guide.
Google Store 
Design and illustration for Google Store social posts. Clean and product-focused aesthetic, with a nod to the fun and colorful design associated with Google. I was brought in as an illustrator to help play to the fun side of this aesthetic.
Step into 2016 with #AndroidWear products and get a leg up on your fitness resolutions.
Save $5 on Chromecast and turn your living room into a home theater.
Google Play 
Original illustrations for the Google Play Tumblr to position the brand at the forefront of entertainment during Oscar season 2015.

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